This was a practice painting using a photo reference, courtesy of Owno Photo.
I could somehow relate to the lone duck, breaking away from the group,
finding a quiet spot to call it's own in the early misty morning.
"Have you heard about this guy named Robert Bateman?" I asked. ROBERT
BATEMAN? ROBERT BATEMAN?! "He's only the best living WATERCOLOR artist
in Canada." A confession I made to Robert about a conversation I had
with watercolor artists since I only found out about who he was a week
before meeting him. Robert laughed and said thank you. Then he leaned in
a bit and whispered, "I actually paint in acrylics and oils." (Some
fast facts about him: In the 1950s he went around the world in a Land
Rover ; He drew an unusually large crowd for a living artist at his
exhibition at the Smithsonian Institute in '87 ; He destroyed his own
painting of orca whales demonstrating his protest against the
possibility of oil tankers passing through B.C.'s Douglas Channel.)
Holy Post itz Batman! This greeted me as I came back to work from a 4 day holiday. Our resident prankster Jordan
has once again had too much time on his hands! I sat on my un-posted-it
chair looking and observing the meticulous work laid out like
overlapping colored paper bricks. Unbelievable. Everything was tiled
from the cpu, phone, mug, mousepad, even the narrow tops of the monitors
were covered by half vertically torn post its. The 2 botttom drawers
were taped together as I later on
discovered. Good grief. It also came with a disclaimer and a note that
justified the use of post its! Nice. Well played. It felt more like a
treat than a prank. A cool work of art at the start of the day. Amazing.
I felt kinda bad having to destroy it all by taking it apart so I
decided to slowly lift off portions of it until the end of the week. If
anyone needs post its, don't ask. Just take 'em!
better way to spend a summer Saturday afternoon than being outdoors,
having an ice cold latte...trees, fresh air and sketching with fellow
sketchers in the city.
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